Register to vote online
Burlington County Clerk's Office Voting Page
- check to see if you're registered to vote
- find your polling place
- get forms, including a Voter registration form.
- get ballot information and candidate lists
Other Resources:
GODORT's Voting & Election Toolkit for NJ.
Created by librarians from the Government Documents Roundtable of the ALA
Library of Congress Election Statistics Resource Guide
League of Women Voters - Educating Voters
The leaders you elect make the decisions that affect you – your job, health care, energy costs, security and more. The League helps you to get registered, get to know the candidates and issues, and get out and vote.
Federal Election Commission
Find out who the candidates are getting contributions from, and how much.
Project Vote Smart
Praised by the New York Times, CNN, PBS and others as a source of information on candidates and issues. Get information on redistricting, view George W. Bush's speeches and policy statements, and more.
Your guide to money in the U.S. elections - Find out who the top industries are giving their money to. You can also get a map of the new districts in any state.
Get the latest political news with the search engine that covers thousands of political web sites.